I was playing animaljam and talking with my friend on it and I said about my blog,she wants to start 1 but has no time, and she asked if she could me another writer,I said yes of course, and then we started talking about animaljam rares and stuff and then she said, animaljams changed a lot since the beta days,shes been in the beta days kinda, then she said wait I have an idea u could do a beta page like u know beta pics I could help u!I though that would be an wesome idea and now i'm gonna show u tons of beta pics and y friends gonna help....I also saw a beta blog that has soo much beta things!Animaljam 101
here u are
Heres a bit of what it said on her blog...
Its Official And Membership!
I Just Met A Guide!
I just met a guide! If you know Club Penguin you might know Billybob the creater. I met a guy like that only hes the creator of Animal Jam! He was so kind he gave me 30 free gems for winning hide and seek! But I was so excited and I hit ok and forgot to take a picture of it lol. BUT I did take pictures of HIM! And he also gave me a scoop on membership! He said that it would come out in a few days! Im going to get one! Heres what he looks like!
she/he finished up:(but oh well...
I think its cool heres more pics...
Well thats all i'll try find more and post some!
Thats awesome, i'v always wanted to see some pictures of what it was like in the beta days that was a great idea